Terms of Service for Voice & Impact
  1. Introduction Welcome to Voice and Impact. These Terms of Service govern your use of our services and programs. By participating, you agree to these terms.

  2. Services Offered Voice and Impact provides consulting, media services, communication strategy, and leadership development services. Details of these services can be found on our website.

  3. User Responsibilities Users are expected to act with respect and integrity while engaging with our services and interacting with other members.

  4. Service Agreements All creative services come with a legal contract outlining the scope of work, deliverables, timelines, and fees. Please review these contracts carefully before engaging our services.

  5. Modifications to Services Voice and Impact reserves the right to modify or discontinue any service at its discretion.

  6. Governing Law These terms are governed by Minnesota law.
What We Do
"A Trusted Partner"
Our personalized approach and commitment to building real relationships sets us apart from other consulting agencies and it's why our clients call us their "trusted partner." We are innovative consultants, media experts, and systems engineers that bring businesses into the modern age with next-level branding, scalable business systems, and effective communication strategies.

Our team is known for our high quality creative work and our ability to help our clients gain focus to create real results.

✅ Strategy
Branding & Design
✅ Web Development

Business Systems
✅ Communication Strategy
✅ Mobile Applications
